Teaching Contributions
Pittsburg State University - Associate Professor (2016 - Current)
Pittsburg State University - Associate Professor (2016 - Current)
- Ecology and Field Biology Orientation (BIOL 106)
- Environmental Life Science (BIOL 113)
- Assisting in the Biology Laboratory (BIOL 300)
- Principles of Ecology (BIOL 330)
- Intro to Undergraduate Research (BIOL 400)
- Urban Ecology (BIOL 525)
- Mammalogy (BIOL 563)
- Animal Behavior (BIOL 575)
- Human Dimensions of Natural Resource Management (BIOL 576)
- GIS Ecology Projects (BIOL 602)
- Ecology and Renewable Resource Management (NATR 1070)
- Biological Processes Laboratory (BIO 115)
- Biodiversity Laboratory (BIO 125)
- Ecology and Conservation of Natural Resources (NATR 1060)
- Ecology and Renewable Resource Management (NATR 1070)
- Mammalogy (FW 3660)